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What’s the CX buzz this week? (2nd December, 2015)

We thought we may be able to spare you from any more 2016 predictions. However, a piece by Blake Morgan via Forbes.com was just too good to pass up. We also share with you a quite unexpected piece from the brilliant new modern marketing column at PCMag on what we can learn about great CX from retail companies that survive...
inContact Agent for Salesforce

The New NICE CXone Agent for Salesforce Release

Call it the proverbial "icing on the cake", but sometimes small changes can make a big difference! There’s no doubt about it: our integration with Salesforce has all the right ingredients. It is multimedia, it blends seamlessly with the Salesforce interface, and it gives agents access to customer information with each interaction they handle –whether it is an...
AAA Central Penn

Accelerating into Winter Season with AAA Central Penn

Winter is just around the corner and we want to help you prepare for the upcoming travel season. We recently sat down with our customer, AAA Central Penn, who has been actively involved in providing exceptional roadside assistance for nearly 100 years. Approximately 42 million Americans are expected to take a holiday road trip. With so many...
CMO Perspectives (24th Nov, 2015)

CMO Perspectives (24th Nov, 2015)

It seems we are being given a reprieve this week of 2016 predictions and the industry is back to good old fashioned what CMOs need to know to create better customer experiences right now. We feature Eric Krell interviewing Jeanne Bliss on dmnews.com.
call center coaching

6 Steps to Improve Call Center Agent Coaching

Many agents and supervisors cringe when it is time for coaching. From an agent perspective, the coaching experience has historically been associated with a supervisor controlling a conversation; speaking to what the agent has done wrong on a call. Supervisors pull their hair out anticipating another 1-on-1 conversation with an unruly, eye rolling agent who hasn’t grasped...