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holiday customer service

Cloud Cushions the Holiday Customer Service Crush

The ability to provide an excellent customer service experience is a key differentiator in today’s Era of the Customer for businesses of any size and every vertical market. However, according to a recently released report by Harvard Business Review, where 92% of US based respondents were from organizations with more than 1000 employees, nearly half indicated that...

CMO Perspectives (20th Jan, 2016)

With “3 Lessons Every CMO Should Follow To Improve CX from Visioncritical.com and “How Customer-Tracking Technology Can Work Without Being Creepy” from Harvard Business Review [hbr.org], there is no doubt that this week’s CMO Perspectives is full of useful tips and trends for you to follow.
Why You Cannot Afford not to deploy WFM in the Cloud

Why You Cannot Afford not to deploy WFM in the Cloud

The word Cloud used to represent nothing more than “a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere”. Fast forward to the beginning of this millennium, when the word Cloud suddenly represented a new and improved method of storage and communication, albeit widely regarded as a luxury to be admired from afar.

Recommendations for deploying customer interaction analytics

Customer data is increasing at a rapid rate with customers interacting more frequently online. They are using social media and communities to research products and services as well as sharing good and bad experiences with their peers. Enterprises need to harness this customer data and link it to customer service calls in order to adapt and improve the customer experience across all channels.
Naughty or NICE?  Who Made the Lists in 2015

Naughty or NICE? Who Made the Lists in 2015

We’ve rung in the new year and 2016 is off to a rip-roaring start. However, now is a good time to reflect on last year. More importantly, how did your customers think you did? Were you on their naughty list? Or will they reward you with their loyalty throughout 2016? To find out more, let’s look at what customers had to say.