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Category: Customer Experience

929 blogs
The self-service revolution

The self-service revolution

Perhaps, it all started in 1822 in London with the first vending machine, a coin-operated dispenser of envelopes, postcards, and notepaper. Since then, vending machines have evolved—self-service gas pumps in the sixties, supermarket self-checkout in the nineties, and airport check-in kiosks in the aughts.
complete performance and the journey to friction free

Complete performance and the journey to friction-free

CX used to be simpler. The call center interaction was the equivalent of a customer going into a mom-and-pop shop where an eager representative waited in greeting, “How can I help?” That was essentially the straight path from friction to friction-free back in the day. Short, sweet. But today, CX is more complex to manage as it strives to resolve frictions in keeping with faster times and heightened customer expectations throughout complex multichannel customer journeys. It calls for a complete performance approach.